What to Expect

If you’re listening to this episode, you’ve probably subscribed to voice of the wild. Our first episodes will be on the wood thrush and the northern parula. These will be short but should teach you a little about the birds and get you exposed to their voices.

The majority of content that’ll be posted to this podcast will be these short wildlife sound identification episodes. These will launch just about every week on friday, with the first ones going live may 3rd. Most will be about birds, especially in the beginning, but we’ll also include insects, frogs, and toads. We will try to release these episodes at times when you can go out and hear the wildlife for yourself. That won't always happen, lots of things really only sing in the spring, but we will do our best. For these first few weeks of May, which is the peak of spring bird migration, we’ll release two episodes each friday. We want you to be able to get out and enjoy the migratory birds while they’re here. But after the peak of spring migration, we’ll revert back to releasing one episode each Friday.

Later on in may We’ll also be experimenting with some long format content. When we release this content, it’ll be listed as a bonus episode. If folks seem to like one of these, we'll make more in that style. We have a lot of ideas about what you might want to hear and we look forward to hearing what you think about them. The first of these experimental episodes should go live towards the end of may, so stay tune and look out on may 3rd for our first regular episodes

What to Expect