Learn the song and call of the Yellow-throated Warbler (Setophaga dominica)
This bird is an early migrant and it often serenades the spring ephemerals from the tops of sycamores. It likes the tall trees of the bottomlands and its song is clear and graceful even when heard from the trail far below. It has a black triangular mask, but the bright yellow of its throat is its most striking feature; so bright and so yellow it looks like someone’s taken a highlighter to it.
Do you want to learn more bird songs, frog calls, and insect noises? Join Voice of the Wild every Friday to explore a new wild voice. From time to time, we’ll also do a deep dive into wildlife science, news, and natural history. Voice of the Wild is brought to you by the University of Illinois Extension Natural Resources, Environment, and Energy program.
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The following Macaulay Library recordings were used in today’s episode:
ML509302 by Geoffrey A. Keller and ML509303 by Randolph Little and James Kimball