Episode 11: Sandhill Crane – Voice of the Wild

This is Illinois Extension’s Voice of the Wild. Our birdcall will start in five seconds, so find someplace quiet, take a deep breath, and enjoy.

This harsh, resonant call is most often heard from migratory flocks passing overhead in the spring and fall. Those flocks are easily identified by their calls and by the way they fly; with their heads craned out in front, as opposed to folded back the way a great blue heron or great egret flies. When found foraging in a wetland, field, or open prairie this 3 foot tall bird wears a red cap and grey plumage. A boisterous bird, it’s call can travel great distances, a mile or more.

This is the Sandhill Crane, Antigone canadensis from the Crane family Gruidae. Here’s the sandhill’s resonant call again.

If you want to see one of nature’s most astounding migratory events, plan an autumn trip to Indiana’s Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area. Thousands upon thousands of sandhill cranes use the wildlife area as a stopover during their long migration. It’s a natural spectacle!

Thank you to the Macaulay library at the Cornell lab for the flock call I used today, the other recording was made by myself for this podcast. Check out the most recent bonus episode titled "the water’s edge" to hear more. Thank you for tuning in to learn a new bird call with Illinois Extension

Episode 11: Sandhill Crane – Voice of the Wild